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Marketing & PR Project Manager
responsible for all of the marketing and public relations activities of a turkish-german start up that will serve with a county wide network in automotive sector.

main responsibilities

  • reporting to sales and business development head,
  • Branding and corporate identity implementation and control
  • Point of sales communication strategy design and implementation
  • Public relations management including internal communication
  • Customer relations management, including call center management, complaint management


  • 3-5 years+ management experience relevant to responsibilites listed
  • multinational wok experience preferred
  • fluent in english
  • negotiator & good with budget controls
  • the startup phase will be quite demanding
  • absolute team player and very good in personal relations due to necessity to work with several departments.

Not: Lütfen benden olumlu veya olumsuz bir cevap dönmemi beklemeyin. Gönderdiğiniz özgeçmişleri ilgili yerlere göndereceğim.

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